Save Your Business From Unpredictable Events


As Coronavirus pandemic continues to spread, how can companies avoid a total shutdown and ensure business as usual before an outbreak occurs in their city?

Preparation is key. Make a contingency plan. A well constructed plan increases the chance of a company’s survival from unpredictable events. The idea is the same no matter the kind of disasters - hurricanes, flooding, earthquake, fire, month-long protest, virus outbreak. 

A contingency plan should include activation of remote working. Last year we wrote about the pros and cons of remote working. Have a read here. People are encouraged to stay home when disaster strikes and for good reasons. For example, hurricanes or flooding is best avoided staying off the road; ruins and debris caused by an earthquake is toxic for the human’s respiratory system; Coronavirus is spread from person-to-person.


With remote working activated, some businesses can continue to operate with minimal impact. Users can check email, make phone/video calls, access company files, all from home or anywhere in the world as long as there is an Internet connection. 

Top 13 Tips To Work From Home Amid Coronavirus Concerns

More on remote working next week. Stay tuned.